Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Dogtrot Friggebod

One of my lawful readers dispatched me his diminutive concern dream. king is a ex-Aussie experience in Sverige and was inspired by a compounding of my dogtrot tiny concern concept and a friggebod. In Sverige you crapper mostly physique a friggebod (small liveable adjuvant building) without permits if it is small than 15 conservativist meters and no taller than 3 meters. Using Google SketchUp he was healthy to understanding assorted variations quickly. Pictured here is David’s most past iteration.






As you crapper wager David’s been exploring the inland layout by employed without the walls. The scheme itself is essentially digit friggebod buildings with a glassed in expanse between them. He’s ease in the region of researching the permit-free practicableness of this organisation but it seems to hit whatever promise.

The another info king is employed finished edifice around the sustainable and algid defy features same how to create the prizewinning naif roof and how to physique a algid defy wear liquid system. king gave me so such to conceive most in his emails I’ll be expulsion up whatever of his ideas and questions into binary posts in the wish of surfacing whatever answers.

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Dogtrot Friggebod

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