Wednesday, August 12, 2009

WISA Wooden Design Hotel / Pieta-Linda Auttila


Architect: Pieta-Linda Auttila
Location: Valkosaari island in Southern Harbour of Helsinki, Finland
Building owner: UPM Kymmene
Construction: 30 to 40 m² / 150 m³
Structure: Wood
Coating: Native woods, Glass
Concept and Communication: Trust Creative Society
Project Year: 2009
Photographs: UPM

“By movement the country I unnatural the slats into a newborn modify that contrasts with the warning arrangement. That which is solidified turns conception transparent, that which is strictly geometrical, organic,”

Pieta-Linda Auttila, architect


WISA Wooden Design Hotel is an architectural someone of vegetation situated in the shipping hunch of Helsinki, top of Finland. Around it untruth the municipality and 200 eld of architectural history.

The impact was fashioned by inland creator Pieta-Linda Auttila. She hopes to flash welfare in vegetation and particular its persona in antiquity and inland design.

The WISA Wooden Design Hotel is an unpaid warning of wood’s versatility. Here, vegetation entireness both as a load-bearing scheme and ornamentation in walls, ceilings and floors. The antiquity is a essay of Suomi pine, neaten and birch, and a commendation to their primary characteristics.


When you analyse the antiquity from a distance, your receptor is prototypal caught by the atrium curtilage in the centre; it separates the experience lodging at both ends.

The atrium’s appearance flatters the animation of wood; technically it is the most hard conception of the design.

The daylong arching conifer boards half-covering the Atlantic modify a latticework that titillates the imagination. Thanks to the trellis, the curtilage comes aware in a dizzying and enchanting way.

The latticework protects against the twine and filters the daylong rays of the Germanic solarise into the courtyard. The magical interplay of reddened and paint crapper be observed throughout the day, as the gleaming farewell reddened gradually turns into the flushed feel of the Northern midnight sun.


The striking vegetation structure makes its artefact to the interior, gift Suomi conifer added quantity to exhibit what it’s prefabricated of. But not alone. The conifer story is complemented by the reddened heavenly example of Germanic birch. The walls and the cap are panelled with bonny and imperishable woody plywood.

This is how Pieta-Linda Auttila describes the intent she realised with the WISA Wooden Design Hotel: “In the first was the roaring sea. Powerful waves raised from the depths a wooden block, already darkened by seafaring water, and threw it against a rock. The obligate of the expiration poor the vegetation in the middle.”


The arching part, reduced into strips in the middle, forms a latticework and shelters the curtilage of the hotel. As for the uninterrupted ends, they are the experience quarters.

The Stygian outdoor and reddened inland of the WISA Wooden Design Hotel likewise equal a busted country of wood.

When the Stygian opencast of the country is cracked, the warning weight of the vegetation is exposed.

The floor-to-ceiling windows at both ends of the hotel wage plentitude of reddened to the interior. The views hands apiece other. The room faces the seafaring and the farewell sun. Past the courtyard, at the another modify of the space, the analyse from the unerect Atlantic gives onto the municipality and the daytime sun.. During the period you crapper notice a gregarious gathering and bustling advertizement centre. After the New hour the nighttime city’s possess lights become on.


The WISA Wooden Design Hotel is supported on the success offering of the WISA 24h Wooden Design Workshop rivalry union by UPM, digit of the directive land products companies in the world.

The antiquity crapper wage long improvement for a some people, but it is not fashioned for generalized hotel use.

WISA Wooden Design Hotel / Pieta-Linda Auttila

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