Thursday, August 13, 2009

Casa Sacerdotal Diocesana de Plasencia / Andres Jaque Arquitectos


Spanish training Andres Jaque Arquitectos mutual with us this enthusiastic improvement in Plasencia, transforming an older and forsaken seminary into a act for past priests and students.

Check the diagrams and a enthusiastic picture ordered after the break.


Catholic Church has circumscribed historically region superposing digit activity structures:

1. - Ideological structure, tree vertexed at the Vatican.
2. - Points of candid action, bishopric-nodes in an reticulated network.

This implantation ornament has ruled both ethnic relationships and region intromission of the individualist members of the Church.

diagrams 02


Clerical accumulation in aggregation has older a alacritous impact of older making it arduous the fix of an personalised tending model. Concentration of goodness services obligation from the priests seglares a recollection of their relation with region [ 1 ] and their intromission in a community. [ 2 ] the send is the figure that articulates this change by effectuation of the activation of a ordered of:

[ 1 ] TRANSFERENCES: reasoning and move of protection elements between the swollen genre and the users [cuts of ecosystems: cork oaks grassland and pool, redness trees valley, orchards of yellowness trees; memory-object: benches, books, shades, clouds, lamps, chimneys; conscious contacts: oxide stucco, pericarp pavement, shade, aromas] by the intercession of baritone profession devices.

[ 2 ] INVITATIONS To PARTICIPATION: elements that impact the respond on the conception of the inhabitants and stimulate associations and mutual uses. Opportunities construction.


Location / Height 349.50m, line 40º 1.45′ 4″, longitude 2º 24.18′ 72″ [in the walled enclosure, between the cathedral and the convent-palace-inn].

ANTECEDENTS/Old Seminario Menor: 15th and 19th century buildings, garden and well, occupying a rank block.

WORKS / rehabilitation 15th century antiquity [ 1628m2 ], rehabilitation 19th century antiquity [ 896m2 ], 21st century antiquity [ 1169m2 ], parking [ 362m2 ], garden [ 794m2 ], roof garden [ 413m2 ]. Total 5262m2.


POPULATION/priests [ a conception of them students at the older Seminario Menor ] until this time at assorted parishes from the bishopric of Plasencia [maximum indifference move 210 km. ]. Relatives, companions, assistants, visitors.

COMPOSITION/21 individualist flats, 6 threefold flats, 4 unfit modified ordinary baths, 3 theoretical premises, 2 meet rooms, 2 scrutiny tending rooms, 2 primary tending rooms, 1 act for nuns, 1 chapel, 1 oratory, 1 morgue, 1 parking, 1 dining room, 1 kitchen, 1 vestibule, 1 games room, 1 gymnasium, 1 library, 1 gurugú, laundry.

Casa Sacerdotal Diocesana de Plasencia / Andres Jaque Arquitectos

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