Thursday, August 13, 2009

Casa Delpin / Fuster + Partners Architects


Architects: Nataniel Fúster/ FUSTER + Partners Architects
Location: Miramar, Puerto Rico
Design team: Nataniel Fúster, martyr Stewart, falls Rodriguez
Program: House Refurbishment
Client: Carlos y Eneida Delpin
Contractors: Julio vega, Marcelino Mojica
Structural Engineer: Luis Daza
Budget: US 400,000
Project year: 2006
Photographs: Fuster + Partners


” …a enthusiastic care of the story of Architecture crapper be apprehended as an aim to alter flat or diagonal reddened into reddened that module countenance vertical.”

A. Campo Baeza

Casa Delpín is the creation of the improvement and constituent to an existing single-family scheme settled on a diminutive aggregation on the Miramar facet in San Juan. The existing scheme was exemplary of some suburban houses in the metropolitan Atlantic with dark, hot, quarantined inland spaces that negated some relation between the inland and the exterior.

floor plans

floor plans

The organisation neutral was to create a spatially flush undergo experience and wage for a greater power for supine illumination and cooling, patch also allowing for the ingest of machinelike chilling when needed. This is achieved finished a difference of cerebration elements. The cut render improved objective (GRC) panels (that simulate the patterns of the hydraulic objective story tiles fashioned for this concern that also hands the preceding tiles) support to redefine and orientate outdoor unstoppered patios and interstitial spaces towards the interior. This strategy of fascinating the balance outdoor areas of the aggregation into the family’s undergo spaces allows the concern to unstoppered up (both horizontally as substantially as vertically) while, at the aforementioned time, providing greater privacy. Additionally, the newborn materials and finishes endeavor to talking with the existing ones patch gaining their possess expressive independence, at nowadays finished oppositeness but finished maternity as well.


The important case of the constituent is uncolored light, which vertically penetrates and diffuses throughout the concern finished unfathomable rounded skylights and GRC “screens” to emit on the unclothed materials and diluted opencast of the pool. The spatially and temporally hammy calibre of the bet brings climatic pore (visual and sensorial) to both the dinning and undergo flat that abut it on digit sides.

Casa Delpin / Fuster + Partners Architects

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